9 Things to Consider When Selecting the Right Handbag
1) Look at your present handbag collection, which bag do you use most frequently? Is it looking tired and in need of an upgrade? Could it be useful in another colour perhaps?
2) What are you missing? A certain style, colour or function? How many bags in the same colour do you own?
3) Size - what has to fit? Does it have the capacity to hold your essentials? Bear in mind a bag for an evening out doesn’t have to carry as much as an everyday bag. Our Medium Size Rommy is perfect for everyday use, whereas the Mini is ideal for cute evenings out or occasions.
4) Does it look good? (Not something you have to worry about with a Rommy bag) but do consider aesthetic and trends when making a new purchase. Is this a quick trend that may die out quickly or will it work through seasons?
5) Weight. Being too heavy is one of the main reasons that bags get thrown into our wardrobes and never used, even before the contents have been put into it! Lightweight but strong bags are our raison d'etre, built on a lightweight structured hoop to not only keep your bag in shape but adding durability too.
6) Bad shoulders. There is statistical data that says heavy bags contribute to ongoing back pain and poor posture - no matter how beautiful (or expensive) the bag, if it is uncomfortable and possibly painful to wear that is not a good purchase. Our Medium Rommy bags not only have a padded scrunched handle that fit perfectly over your shoulder, the compartment is sewn through a hoop, spreading the weight of the bag onto the shape, rather than onto one part of your shoulder.
7) Security. Zipped compartment are the best for keeping valuables safe and secure, which is why you'll find them on all of our pieces.
8) Usability. Will it be easy to get into and search for something? Can it be carried easily?
9) Colour, of course! Be brave. You'll be glad you did, brave turns heads and gets compliments, we all love that! Rest assured that British made, beautiful quality, a 2 year take-back scheme, the best customer service and a unique Rommy bag will be the best purchase you ever made.